1152 Clarke Road Picton Ontario K0K 2T0


Todays is for the moments we sit and reflect on relationships. This day we choose to sit in gratitude for the life path we are journeying together.

Lisa Marie & Erin celebrating love and their first Fall harvest of their 5 hay fields.

Connecting to self, connections of the heart, and helping humans connect to elements of natural wellness, that bring each of us to a deeper connection of our unique soul’s purpose.

~ This is at the root of what we are doing here at County Fields and Forest. ~

It’s a busy busy life we are all resting in. This modern world pulls us from every angle on the daily. Feeling spread too thin, rushed around, and trying to find where we truly sit on the spectrum of the ever popular mass glorification of busy.

In the midst of all of the busy, to be in a dedicated partnership where each person is learning to do the work of showing up for self, and eachother; deserves and award – Not just on one day in February.

We make a point of finding ways to celebrate love often.
ACTUALLY, we make it a daily practice.
We make time to live and rise up in a conscious relationship.

It’s hard work…and it’s work that brings the most magical dreams to fruition.

A partnership in life is something that finds it’s finesse when both halves of the whole are willing to show up. Showing up takes a whole bunch of being honest, open, communicative, accepting, safe, and elevating.

We are not here in this life to get lost in putting another on a pedestal. We’re also not here in this life to try to BE on a pedestal while another is constantly trying win our love. Many of us have experienced some of that…I think it’s safe to say…that shit is tired, juvenile, and nobody has time for games in this life!

We are here in this life to do honourable work and receive the gift of witnessing one’s own conscious relationship.

A conscious relationship is a romantic relationship in which both partners feel committed to a sense of purpose, and that purpose is growth. Individual growth. Shared growth as a couple. Collective growth that makes the world a better place. Yes please!

Many people get into relationships to satisfy their own personal needs. This might work for a few years, but eventually the relationship fails us, and we end up unsatisfied as a result.

BUT when two people come together with the (and here’s the SECRET) intention of growth, the relationship strives towards something much greater than gratification. The partnership becomes a journey of evolution, and the two individuals have an opportunity to expand more than they could alone. Deep satisfaction and long-term fulfillment arise as a result.

From our hearts to your hearts,
Choose love, compassion, and hard work,

Being a conscious couple – what is it all about?

1. The conscious couple is not attached to the outcome of the relationship – growth comes first.
This doesn’t mean we don’t care what happens…it means that we are more committed to growth than to trying make a relationship “work”.
The reality is, we’re here to grow. Physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. When growth stops, we feel like everything stops. Because it has. Without growth, we aren’t fulfilling our soul’s purpose.

The reality is – many relationships today tend to sabotage growth rather than promote it. This is where we are all getting in our own way

A conscious couple is so committed to growth… even when it’s scary, even when it’s uncomfortable, even when it’s so challenging. This is the deep work that truly keeps the partnership alive and well!

2. Each of us are owning their shit.

We all have baggage, we all have wounds, we all have experienced the burns from the past. Be accepting of the fact that in each relationship, this stuff all comes up… if we find safety with our partner to talk about ALLLLLLLLL THE THINGS… yes even from before, we get to build a trust and acceptance and a safety with our partner that creates such a strong foundation…growth and a strong foundation are a powerful fundamental that cannot be shook!

So much of a relationship’s challenge is actually caused by our own patterns, our own shit…if we can OWN IT by being open, and that is met by someone who is holding you in acceptance, MAGIC can happen!

MEGA BONUS – Once you settle into this type of owning you shit…we get to rewire our brains and our hearts. Our fears will heal and our paranoid delusions literally get to fall away.
(mic drop)

3. All feelings are welcome here.

Welcome to the party where everything is welcome… you can feel all the feels. You can ALSO express all the feels, the fears, the fantasies… sounds freeing, but it’s actually not easy to do… however, this is one of the most healing things we can practice with each other.

When have you been completely raw with someone before, I mean all of it! Rare right? Accept the challenge, because once you do; you’ll find that your partner does the same.

This can actually be uncomfortable and challenging at first because you may here some things that don’t feel like rainbows and butterflies… but this is someone else’s deepest feelings here… if you can meet that with compassion, the doors will open to strength, growth, happiness, and love.

When we approach our romantic relationship with the most REBEL HONESTY, we get to show the most vulnerable parts of our heart and mind, so does our partner. Then we get to feel seen, heard, and really accepted.
This will set your love on fire, so get ready!

4. The relationship a practice.

Love is a practice, a lifestyle, a choice; each and every day.
In this practice we must walk forward with acceptance, being present, courage and vulnerability.

Sometimes we approach love like it is an award, like it’s something we got, like it’s something that is on high and it’s good only if it’s on that high.

if you think about it, that’s missing the whole point…loving romantic relationships are a JOURNEY…ever moving, ever changing.

We wake up everyday and choose the journey, everyday is a new journey… this is TWO HUMANS choosing to journey together each and every day… two hearts, two minds. It’s A LOT. It’s a lot to honour and accept.

In a conscious relationship, there is a deep dedication to honour the self and honour the human next to you. A devotion to love as a daily practice means that you show up in ways that you didn’t even think was possible before…and it feels safe and good and alive and ROMANTIC because its actually just become so fucking RARE in society today!